The final number of usable bases for the bismark_methylation_extractor analysis will be smaller than the number of bases given in the input .bam file due to clip overlap.
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Picard library for manipulating SAM/BAM files. Contribute to utgenome/picard development by creating an account on GitHub. An illumina paired-end and mate-pair short read simulator. This project attempts to model as many of the quirks that exist in Illumina data as possible. Some of these quirks include the potential for chimeric reads, and non-biotinylated… A pipeline to analysis RNA-seq data and impute Genotype from RNA-seq. - ningbioinfostruggling/RNAgenopipe java -Xms5G -Xmx5G -jar picard.jar \ CollectMultipleMetrics \ -Validation_Stringency Lenient \ -Input [BAM] \ -Output [BAM].cmm ex) java -Xms5G -Xmx5G -jar picard.jar \ CollectMultipleMetrics \ -Validation_Stringency Lenient \ -Input data… Htsjdk plugin for multihreaded loading of SAM/BAM files stored in AWS S3 - epam/htsjdk-s3-plugin
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